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In order to see variables you can simply use :let <variable> or without a variable to see all the variables defined.

Variables have also scope (see :help internal-variables)

Prefix Description
g: global variables
b: local buffer variables
w: local window variables
t: local tab page variables
s: script-local variables
l: local function variables
v: Vim variables
a: function argument

Predefined variables


Command Description
:abbreviate list abbreviations
:args argument list
:augroup augroups
:autocmd list auto-commands
:buffers list buffers
:breaklist list current breakpoints
:cabbrev list command mode abbreviations
:changes changes
:cmap list command mode maps
:command list commands
:compiler list compiler scripts
:digraphs digraphs
:file print filename, cursor position and status (like Ctrl-G)
:filetype on/off settings for filetype detect/plugins/indent
:function list user-defined functions (names and argument lists but not the full code)
:function Foo user-defined function Foo() (full code list)
:highlight highlight groups
:history c command history
:history = expression history
:history s search history
:history your commands
:iabbrev list insert mode abbreviations
:imap list insert mode maps
:intro the Vim splash screen, with summary version info
:jumps your movements
:language current language settings
:let all variables
:let FooBar variable FooBar
:let g: global variables
:let v: Vim variables
:list buffer lines (many similar commands)
:lmap language mappings (set by keymap or by lmap)
:ls buffers
:ls! buffers, including "unlisted" buffers
:map! Insert and Command-line mode maps (imap, cmap)
:map Normal and Visual mode maps (nmap, vmap, xmap, smap, omap)
:map<buffer> buffer local Normal and Visual mode maps
:map!<buffer> buffer local Insert and Command-line mode maps
:marks marks
:menu menu items
:messages message history
:nmap Normal-mode mappings only
:omap Operator-pending mode mappings only
:print display buffer lines (useful after :g or with a range)
:reg registers
:scriptnames all scripts sourced so far
:set all all options, including defaults
:setglobal global option values
:setlocal local option values
:set options with non-default value
:set termcap list terminal codes and terminal keys
:smap Select-mode mappings only
:spellinfo spellfiles used
:syntax syntax items
:syn sync current syntax sync mode
:tabs tab pages
:tags tag stack contents
:undolist leaves of the undo tree
:verbose show info about where a map or autocmd or function is defined
:version list version and build options
:vmap Visual and Select mode mappings only
:winpos Vim window position (gui)
:xmap visual mode maps only


There are ten types of registers (see :help registers):

  1. The unnamed register ""
  2. 10 numbered registers "0 to "9
  3. The small delete register "-
  4. 26 named registers "a to "z or "A to "Z
  5. Three read-only registers ": (most recent executed command line), ". (last inserted text) and "% (relative file path)
  6. Alternate buffer register "#
  7. The expression register "=
  8. The selection and drop registers "*, "+ and "~
  9. The black hole register "_
  10. Last search pattern register "/


Command Description Binding
:argdo execute action on each file passed as argument when vim was started
:bufdo execute action on each buffer
:diffthis make the current window part of the diff window
:echom[sg] print message
:exe[cute] execute command passed as string
:mks save session to disk
:norm[al] run command in normal mode
:r[ead] !{cmd} execute {cmd} and insert the standard output
:scrollbind Binds two or more windows to scroll together
:vsplit split vertically Ctrl-w v
:windo execute action on the visible buffers opened

Quickfix and location list



Use && to repeat the last substitution.




Normal mode

  • g Ctrl-g: give information about selected text
  • gi return in insert mode in the last place you exited it
  • gv reselect the last selection
  • g; go to older position in the changelist
  • g, go to newer position in the changelist
  • Ctrl-e: move viewport one line up
  • Ctrl-y: move viewport one line down
Shortcut Description
Ctrl-u move a page up
Ctrl-d move a page down
zz move the current line at the center


Shortcut Description
Ctrl-w + K change vertical split to horizontal
Ctrl-w + H change horizontal split to vertical

Insert mode

  • Ctrl-r %: relative path of the current file
  • Ctrl-t: indent current line
  • Ctrl-d: backdent current line


Multiline editing

It's not immediate like other editors but it's possible, the best option is to use a plugin like vim-multiple-cursors.

Append text

This works out of the box in vim: with Visual block mode select the lines you want to append text to, press $ to move the cursor at the end of line and then press A to start append mode. After you terminated to insert the text, ESC and wait the text to update.

Edit multiple files at once


  • ALE Asynchronous Lint Engine is a plugin providing linting (syntax checking and semantic errors)