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verilog is an Hardware Description Language (HDL).


Initialize variable signal

parameter WIDTH = 32;

assign miao = {WIDTH{1'b0}};

Initialize array

parameter MEM_INIT_FILE = "";
reg [31:0] ram [255:0];
initial begin
  if (MEM_INIT_FILE != "") begin
    $readmemh(MEM_INIT_FILE, ram);

Sequential logic

There are two ways, more clear

module accum(
    input clk,
    input data_i,
    input en_i,
    output [3:0] sum_o;

reg [WIDTH-1:0] sum_r, sum_next;

assign sum_o = sum_r;

    sum_next = sum_r;
    if (en_i)
        sum_next = sum_r + data_i;

always_ff @(posedge clk)
    sum_r <= sum_next;

and shorter

module accum(
    input clk,
    input data_i,
    input en_i,
    output [3:0] sum_o;

reg [WIDTH-1:0] sum_r;

assign sum_o = sum_r;

always_ff @(posedge clk)
  if (en_i)
    sum_r <= sum_r + data_i;


It's possible to assign a driving "strength" to a net using the syntax (strength0 [, strength1 ] ) | ( strength1 [, strength0 ] ) | cap_strength. The strength of a net is derived dynamically from the strenght of the net driver(s) and will get the strength of the strongest driver. The words strenght0 specifies the strength when the net drivers drive the value 0; strength1 specifies the strength when the net drivers drive the value 1. The cap_strength is for trireg nets only.

Strength level Name Keyword
7 Supply drive supply0 , supply1
6 Strong drive strong0 , strong1
5 Pull drive pull0 , pull1
4 Large capacitive large
3 Weak drive weak0 , weak1
2 Medium capacitive medium
1 Small capacitive small
0 High impedance highz0 , highz1